Monday, December 6, 2010

Tot School: Week Three

RJ didn't do much structured stuff this past week, he mainly enjoyed playing with the new manipulatives that I put out (and a few of the old ones).

Here he is ready to start his fun-filled week of Tot School!

These are the three new manipulatives that he worked with.  From left to right, the wooden shape sorter.  which has 13 different shapes for him to figure out.  We are just working with the four on the top right now.  In the middle is the Red box, it contains four different red items, a Cardinal, a red Crayon, a soft red apple, and a red ball (Lakeshore Learning stores $29.99 on sale).  These are great for vocabulary, sensory, and learning about the specific color.  We are even adding in a little sign language here.  When you use all of the color boxes together, they are great for sorting as well.  Lastly, is his Geranimals knobbed puzzle.  It's all about shapes this week! 

Pulling out the manipulatives!

He enjoyed taking all of the items out of the box and putting them back in.  He played with some items as I said the name of each item, making sure I said "red" with each item.

Just checking to make sure he didn't miss anything:)

We had a bit of trouble trying to get him to put the correct piece in the matching slot, but he felt good about getting any piece to fit where ever it could.  He enjoyed dumping all of the pieces out the most though.

He didn't really do too much with the puzzle, but he played with his bead mover a lot...funny what they get interested in from week to week.

Well that's about it for us this past week.  I'm hoping to do more "structured" stuff this coming week...even though I strongly believe in child-led learning at this stage.


Claudea B.

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