That's right ladies and gentlemen...It's time to get your Girl Scout Cookie jones on!
All of your favorite flavors are ready for special order, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Tagalongs, and everyone's favorite, Thin Mints. In addition, the delicious Lemon Chalet Cremes, Dulce De Leche, and the Thank U Berry Munch cookies are all available for the taking.
To kick off the big event Sunshyne and her friends attended the Sea World Cookie Rally for the Southwest Texas Girl Scout troops.
Over 2000 Girl Scouts were in attendance. I don't think I've ever seen so many badges and fun patches in my entire life!
So many Girl Scouts big and small
Blue, Brown, Green, Khaki
Uniforms large and small
Selling cookies
to one and all
Go Girl Scouts!
(I just made that!)
Do you see that little Girl Scout with her hand on her head...she was trying to think of the answer to a challenging trivia question.
Questions were part of a badge activities for the CPS energy booth...of course they had to have opportunities to earn patches/batches, isn't that what GS is all about???
By the way, she got it right and earned her CPS energy, Environmental Awareness patch!
Speaking of the CPS energy station, there were two other stations during the tailgate fun that kicked off the Sea World Cookie Rally. Valero and HEB also sponsored patches for the BIG shout out to them for helping our girls to be the best they can be!
The Girls were able to earn the Health and Wellness patch from HEB and the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) patch from Valero.
Sunshyne hulu-hooping her way to the Health and Wellness Patch.
Go Baby!
Here's her BFF doing her thang with TWO hoops!
Destined for greatness, this one!
The girls had a blast during the entire event. They even had the opportunity to see Jonnie and Brookie perform, they were awesome and Sunshyne loved it!
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of Brookie because my camera died by the time she rotated to our side of the stadium.
It was an awesome way to kick off the cookie sales for 2011, we were informed that the Girl Scouts have already sold over one million boxes! Way to go girls, keep up the good work.
To our friends and family, please send me an email to request your GS cookies this year. Sunshyne needs to sell 1000 boxes to reach her goal. We'll be happy to take your order's now and your cookies will be in by the second week of February.
Thanks for the support, Go Girl Scouts!
Claudea B.